Welcome to the Catholic Community

of the Hibiscus Coast Parish in New Zealand

Parish Finance/Giving

Giving to the Parish

The principal aim in encouraging giving to the parish is to help parishioners grow in faith.

How we handle our money is a measure of where we are in our walk with our God. The closer we walk with God, the more generous we become with our wealth (also includes, among other things, our time and talents) as we respond in love to our Almighty God.

God is the ultimate owner of all things – we are stewards entrusted with temporal care.
“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it;” (Psalm 24.1)
Central to the whole idea of Christian Giving is that, actually, nothing belongs to us. God gives us life and everything we need to live. Our role is to use it well and for His purposes while we are here on earth.

Our giving should be in response to God’s grace and gifts to us, and, therefore, to resource His mission to the world and not just to keep the parish functioning. Giving to the parish is to simply extend God’s invitation to participate in His mission to everyone around us.

To support parishioners in considering giving to the parish and their level of giving, the booklet Faith Giving will be a helpful guide.

The Faith Giving booklet covers why give, regular giving options, donations, bequests, receipts, tax credits and reviewing the level of giving.
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