Welcome to the Catholic Community

of the Hibiscus Coast Parish in New Zealand


8 December 2024

This Sunday:  
Baruch 5:1-9 : Psalm 126 : Philippians 1:3-6,8-11 : Luke 3:1-6
Next Sunday:   Zephaniah 3:14-18 : Canticle Isaiah : Philippians 4:4-7 : Luke 3:10-18


Sun 8 2.00pm Children’s Christmas Party, Hall
Mon 9 7.00pm Meditation Group, St Francis
  7.15pm Bible Study Group on Zoom
Wed 11 5.30pm Meditation on Zoom
Fri 13 7.00pm Advent Reconciliation, St John’s

Advent Reconciliation Friday 13 December at St John’s Church, 7pm.


  This coming Friday I will end an 18-year career at our local hospice. I first joined in 2005 as fundraiser / marketer and left in 2011, then returned in 2013 as spiritual carer / chaplain. During the second part of my career I journeyed with a great many people as their life ebbed away. Some of these connections lasted barely a few minutes while others continued for months, even years. Those of us who work there, and quite a few parishioners work or volunteer at Harbour Hospice, use the word privilege to describe what it means to care for the dying. The other word is love. I tell families that their job is to love their mum or dad … over to the other side. I warn them that it can be hard work but the loving must never stop. So, privilege and love sum up what it means to work at hospice.

I feel that Advent is an appropriate season for a significant life transition. The word Advent originates from the Latin word adventus which translates as coming or arrival.
I entered the workforce 57-years ago and now I have arrived at my retirement. I have lots of plans including greater involvement with the Francian Friary in Hillsborough leading retreats and giving spiritual direction.
The Friary has never been busier. It is an oasis of calm in a hyper-connected world, a haven for stressed-out Christians seeking, sometimes unknowingly, those aspects of the four themes we examine and celebrate during Advent. These are HOPE (week 1), PEACE (week 2), LOVE (week 3) and JOY (week 4).

This week the theme is PEACE. Peace is more than just the absence of conflict, it is a deep, lasting harmony rooted in God’s presence. This week I invite you to take time to sit quietly and notice how peaceful you are (or are not) feeling inside. Go into your inner room (Matt 6:6) and seek Jesus there.

Thank you to everyone who held me, the patients, and the team at hospice in their prayers. Please continue to support Harbour Hospice. Like many, many parishioners over the years, you might need it someday.

Vincent Maire

Advent Reconciliation 

Friday 13 December at St John’s Church, 7pm.

Annual Christmas Raffle:

Don't miss your chance to win exciting prizes in our annual Christmas Raffle!
Tickets on Sale, starting December 1st, after Mass.
Ticket Prices: 1 ticket: $3
2 tickets: $5
Proceeds will go towards upgrading St John’s church projection system.

See the Need. Be the Hope!
Catholic Caring Foundation’s Christmas Appeal:

Please support the Caring Foundation’s Christmas appeal through your donations and prayers. Your donation will have double the impact!.
Feel free to take home the Caritas Christmas newsletter and see where your donations are making a difference.
Appeal envelopes are on the table in the foyer or go to www.caringfoundation.org.nz .

A big thank you ...

To everyone who took part in, contributed to and made the Mini Market for Serving Spoons a great success.
We made $902 which will go towards making some special families very happy this Christmas time.

We pray for:

We pray for those who are sick or recovering from surgery.
We pray for the recently deceased including Fr Peter Gray and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Attention all children…  

We are looking for children of all ages who would like to participate in the Christmas eve family Mass short play at St John’s Church. We need:

  • 16 children who want a particular part and then as many children as possible at the Christmas eve family Mass dressed up accordingly.
  • 3 very strong and confident readers.  The rest of the parts are mime, so no lines to learn.
If you are interested, please text Tania Schollum-Hollier at 022 036 8480.
Rehearsals will be held soon.

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Eve - St John’s:
5.30pm - Family Vigil Mass
Carol singing from 5pm
11.15pm - Carol Singing
Midnight - Christmas Mass

Christmas Day:
8.30am - St Francis
10.30am - St John’s
Carol singing from 10am

Children are invited to dress up as their favourite nativity character.
There will be celebratory Christmas cake and bubbles after the midnight and 8.30am Masses.

The bible study ends ....  

On Zoom on Monday 16 December
and will resume on Monday 3 February at 7.15pm.

Local Youth Ministers Wanted!

The Catholic Diocese of Auckland is looking for self-motivated leaders to become paid Local Youth Ministers, working across both a secondary school and parish.
This is a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people!
To learn more and to apply, please visit: www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/staff-vacancies/

On sale - shop local!

Columban calendars, Daily Mass Calendars, Christmas cards and God’s Word 2025
at Never Ending Books, Shop 3, The Village, Moenui Ave, Orewa.
Contact Anne - 426 6457.

Planned Giving Donation Receipts:

If you did not receive an email from Ann McConachy (Parish Collections Administrator) requesting an update on your email address in order to provide your 2025 tax donation receipt via email, please check your spam box and if not in there, contact Ann (Mon/Tues) or Theresa in the parish office on 426 5599.

Year of Jubilee:

Pope Francis has proclaimed 2025 as a Year of Jubilee – Pilgrims of Hope. 
As well as local initiatives the diocese has a calendar of Jubilee Events.
At this stage they are presented as date claimers so that you can put them in your diaries so that when notification of registrations have been opened your calendars are free. 
Explore and return regular to https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/jubilee2025/jubilee-calendar/

To help your reflection on the Sunday Gospels

Go to The Center for Liturgy Sunday Web Site

Registrations are open for Nga Tapuwae 10-12 January 2025. 

Come and join us in experiencing the footsteps of Bishop Pompallier, Kupe, and the Poynton’s with other pilgrims together sharing our Catholic and Maori heritage.
This will be a guided pilgrimage.
Accommodation at $80.00 per night per person will be shared living, experience and eating on the Marae.  
Your own transport will be required.
For more information contact Dcn Steve on stephenf@cda.org.nz

Eucharistic Adoration ...  

Will end for the year at St John’s on Wednesday 11 December and at St Francis’ on Friday 13 December, and resume on 11 and 14 February.

Inviting all the St Francis Ministers of the Word to a Refresher

In St Francis Church on Sunday 15 December, 9.30am.
Tel. Catherine - 027 294 7855
This includes ministers who read weekdays and weekends.

The children’s Christmas party ...  

Will be taking place in the hall today at 2pm.
There will be morning tea for all after 10.30am Mass, but please be mindful that the team will be setting up for the party from 12.30pm.

Liturgy magazine  

Liturgy is a quarterly magazine, curated to support liturgical life in parishes, schools, and faith communities.
The Liturgy Centre, from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland in New Zealand, has been producing this magazine for nearly 50 years.
Liturgy is available free, on the diocesan website: www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/liturgy-prayer/magazine/.

Catholic Enquiry Centre:

Visit their website to explore Catholicism, find out about our faith, order booklets or to make a donation: 

MASS TIMES - next week

Sunday Mass Times: St John’s, Orewa - Saturday Vigil - 5.30pm
Sunday - 10.30am
St Francis, ManlySunday - 8.30am
Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: St John’s, Orewa -Mondays and Fridays - 9.30am
St Francis, Manly - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat - 9.30am
Morning Mass Times:St John’s, Orewa -Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat - 9.30am.
St Francis, Manly - Fridays - 9.30am
Reconciliation: St John’s, Orewa - Saturdays after 9.30am Mass and on request
Eucharistic Adoration: St John’s, Orewa - Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am-12pm
St Francis, Manly - Friday, 10am-11am

During the lockdowns our weekly newsletter was still being produced.
Please pass the message on to others that if they would like the newsletter sent to them directly, to visit the parish website www.hbcparish.org.nz and

Is anyone sick?
Call upon the church community to pray for you (James5:14).
Please telephone any of the parishioners listed below.
We would love to pray for your intentions in our daily prayers.

Norma McGrath (Coordinator); 424-8460
Maureen Nancarrow; 426 7921
Janet Dimbleby; 427 5850
Raewyn Taylor; 424 1414
Maree Lochead; 428 4648

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Designed & maintained by Simon Straka
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