Welcome to the Catholic Community

of the Hibiscus Coast Parish in New Zealand


1 December 2024

This Sunday:  
Jeremiah 33.14-16 : Psalm 25 : 1Thessalonians 3.12-4.2 : Luke 21.25-28,34-36
Next Sunday:   Baruch 5:1-9 : Psalm 126 : Philippians 1:3-6,8-11 : Luke 3:1-6


Mon 2 7.00pm Meditation Group, St Francis
  7.15pm Bible Study Group on Zoom
Wed 4 5.30pm Meditation on Zoom
  Carols in St John’s Hall
Sun 8 2.00pm Children’s Christmas Party, Hall

Advent Reconciliation Friday 13 December at St John’s Church, 7pm.



  Advent is a time of waiting, a time of hope. This waiting time gives us the chance to think about our relationships, our commitments, our challenges and how we can make room for God, so that we can be people of hope.

As we begin the season of Advent, we look for signs of hope in our world. People helping each other.
Walls of separation being broken down. Family and friends gathering again to celebrate Christmas. Recovery from floods and cessation from war. We find signs of hope in a young family, travelling a long way from home, expecting a baby and being surrounded by the compassion of strangers.

Today we light the first candle for the hope we find in the world, as we wait to celebrate the coming of Christ into our world and into our lives.

So we pray: God of hope, we thank you for the hope you give us. Help us prepare our hearts for the Lord’s coming by being open to seeing the light of Christ in others.
We ask this in the name of the one born in Bethlehem, Jesus our Lord.

Christmas Hamper Appeal:

A reminder to all those generous parishioners who are providing Christmas hampers, to return these to St John’s Presbytery garage before the 5.30pm and 10.30am Mass on 7/8 December and to the foyer at St Francis church on 8 December.
If you know of any families in difficult circumstances, please email Theresa in the parish office, hbcparish@xtra.co.nz, providing the person/family’s name, address and contact number.

Christmas Carols... 

On Wed 4th December, 7pm in the hall.
All families are invited to a party night of carols and festive supper. We are excited to have accomplished musicians Jenny and Peter O'Dea to play for us.
Please bring a festive plate to share.

We pray for:

We pray for those who are sick or recovering from surgery.
We pray for the recently deceased including Fr Peter Gray and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Attention all children…  

We are looking for children of all ages who would like to participate in the Christmas eve family Mass short play at St John’s Church. We need:

  • 16 children who want a particular part and then as many children as possible at the Christmas eve family Mass dressed up accordingly.
  • 3 very strong and confident readers.  The rest of the parts are mime, so no lines to learn.
If you are interested, please text Tania Schollum-Hollier at 022 036 8480.
As soon as we have our actors, we will have a couple of rehearsals this month.

Food collection for Love Soup:

Again many thanks for all your weekly food donations of tinned & non-perishable food items for Love Soup.
It is a difficult time financially for many individuals and families and your generosity helps to make life a little easier for them.

Stella Maris Primary School

Year 1 and 2 Team warmly invite parishioners to join us for our Christmas nativity celebration followed by some of our favourite Christmas carols.
Date: Wednesday 18 December.
Venue: Stella Maris School Hall.
Time: 1:30pm start.


Today Sunday December 1st after 8.30am Mass at St Francis.
There will be tables for plants, for food, produce and jams and for an assortment of other items all for donations.
There will also be a sales stall for small Advent and Christmas items, 10% of which will go to Serving Spoons.

Annual Christmas Raffle:

Don't miss your chance to win exciting prizes in our annual Christmas Raffle! Tickets on Sale, starting December 1st, after Mass.
Ticket Prices: 1 ticket: $3
2 tickets: $5
Proceeds will go towards upgrading St John’s church projection system.
Feel free to donate to the Christmas Hamper Raffle and help spread joy this Christmas season.

Inviting all Ministers of the Word to a Refresher

  • In St John’s Church on Saturday 23 November, 11am followed by a cuppa in the hall. Contact Jo - 027 482 4302.
  • In St Francis Church on Sunday 8 December, 9.30am. Tel. Catherine - 027 294 7855
This includes ministers who read at the weekday and weekend Masses.
Hope to see you all there!  

Planned Giving Donation Receipts:  

If you did not receive an email from Ann McConachy (Parish Collections Administrator) requesting an update on your email address in order to provide your 2025 tax donation receipt via email, please check your spam box and if not in there, contact Ann (Mon/Tues) or Theresa in the parish office on 426 5599.

To help your reflection on the Sunday Gospels

Go to The Center for Liturgy Sunday Web Site

All parish children are invited to a Christmas Party....

On Sunday 8 December 2pm-5pm in St John’s Hall

  • Children are encouraged to dress in Christmas colours - red , white & green if they have these, please don’t buy anything!
  • Please could parents provide a gift for their child attending (strictly $10 or under). These may be brought on the day of the party. Please name the gift very clearly.
  • Numbers will be limited so get in soon to register your child, providing the name and age.
Contact: Teri-Lee Vicars - 022 302 5033 or Lennex Sario - 027 279 3923 or email: stjohnschildren.liturgy@gmail.com

Eucharistic Adoration ....

Will end for the year at St John’s on Wednesday 11 December
at St Francis’ on Friday 13 December, and resume on 11 & 14 February.

On sale - shop local!

Columban calendars, Daily Mass Calendars, Christmas cards and God’s Word 2025
at Never Ending Books, Shop 3, The Village, Moenui Ave, Orewa.
Contact Anne - 426 6457.

Safeguarding contacts for volunteer documentation and training in our parish:  

Joan Bonganoy: 022 195 1448 joanaudris@yahoo.com
Andre Bonilla : 022 051 17325 andre.lorenzo.bonilla@gmail.com
The parish contact person for any safeguarding complaints or concerns is
Kathryn Perumal: 021 264 4188  kathryn_perumal@yahoo.com  

Catholic Enquiry Centre:

Visit their website to explore Catholicism, find out about our faith, order booklets or to make a donation: 

MASS TIMES - next week

Sunday Mass Times: St John’s, Orewa - Saturday Vigil - 5.30pm
Sunday - 10.30am
St Francis, ManlySunday - 8.30am
Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: St John’s, Orewa -Mondays and Fridays - 9.30am
St Francis, Manly - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat - 9.30am
Morning Mass Times:St John’s, Orewa -Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat - 9.30am.
St Francis, Manly - Fridays - 9.30am
Reconciliation: St John’s, Orewa - Saturdays after 9.30am Mass and on request
Eucharistic Adoration: St John’s, Orewa - Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am-12pm
St Francis, Manly - Friday, 10am-11am

During the lockdowns our weekly newsletter was still being produced.
Please pass the message on to others that if they would like the newsletter sent to them directly, to visit the parish website www.hbcparish.org.nz and

Is anyone sick?
Call upon the church community to pray for you (James5:14).
Please telephone any of the parishioners listed below.
We would love to pray for your intentions in our daily prayers.

Norma McGrath (Coordinator); 424-8460
Maureen Nancarrow; 426 7921
Janet Dimbleby; 427 5850
Raewyn Taylor; 424 1414
Maree Lochead; 428 4648

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